Sims Energy LLP has been set up for the specific purpose of offering Local Government, Institutional, Corporate, Health Care and Pension Fund clients a complete Energy Certification service for their building stock.

Your EPC / DEC Project

“We can help you“
Sims Energy can manage the EPC /DEC project for you from start to finish from initial discussions on what you want to achieve to final report delivery

Roll Out Schedule & Inspections

“Arrangements & appointments“
We can plan and arrange the roll out of inspections across your portfolio, managing the arrangements of inspections with tenants, scheduling the surveys through to project completion.

Creation of DECs

“When do I need a new DEC”
We can review your Portfolio to see if and Display Certificates are required, or we can take over the renewals of DECs – including forward planning for future DEC renewals
Initial EPC Project Planning
“What do you want to achieve – talk to us”
We can help you plan out just what you need – we will listern to your needs for energy certification & techibcal surveys along with what you are looking to achieve and can advise and plan out how to achieve this for your portfolio.
EPC Modelling & Upgrades
“How will that effect the EPC Rating ?”
We can undertake the modelling simulations of the EPC model data to show you how each proposed upgrade will impact on the rating and energy use
MEES Exemptions
“How can I get an Exemption”
Some of your portfolio may require an MEES Exemption Report, Sims Energy can discuss your needs and plan which parts of your portfolio will require these and deliver the Exemptions.

Sims Energy LLP
85 Baker Street, Waddesdon
Buckinghamshire, HP18 0LQ
07966 468840
Reg Office - Church View Barn, Beech Tree Court
Whitchurch, Buckinghamshire, HP22 4JR
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