Asbestos Survey & Report
coming soon

What happens during an Asbestos Management Survey ?
During an Asbestos Management Survey, The Asbestos Surveyor will survey your building for the presence of asbestos.
If any presumed Asbestos containing materials (ACM’s) are found during the Asbestos Management Survey, the Asbestos Surveyor will take a Sample under controlled conditions. This will then be analyzed by a UKAS accredited laboratory to confirm the presence of asbestos.
The Asbestos Sample results and the findings during the Asbestos Management Survey will be used to collate the Asbestos report.
All ACMs should be identified as far as is reasonably practicable.
Asbestos Management surveys should cover routine and simple maintenance work.
However, it has to be recognised that where ‘more extensive’ maintenance or repair work is involved, there may not be sufficient information in the management survey and a localised refurbishment survey will be needed.
A refurbishment survey will be required for all work which disturbs the fabric of the building in areas where the management survey has not been intrusive. The decision on the need for a Asbestos refurbishment survey should be made by the duty-holder.